Dutch Bros Green Apple Smoothie: Ready in 10 Minute

Smoothies are the best cure for a sunny hot day to make the body cold and energetic, and if the smoothie is super tasty then it is not less than a blessing, Dutch Bros Green Apple Smoothie is such a delicious, refreshing, and amazing drink that makes you instantly happy.


Smoothies are the healthier option to quench your thirst as compared to other drinks.

Green Apple smoothie is a regular drink with a huge fan base, indeed a unique blend of ice, yogurt, and green apple.


For sweetness, you can add a little bit of honey.

So, let’s learn how to make this masterpiece at home, for this follow the below-mentioned easy steps. Let’s get started!


Some people consider it a perfect and ideal breakfast or snack option.

Recipe Detail:

Author NameCrazyEspresso.com
Preparation Time10 Minute
Cook Time0 Minute
Total Time10 Minutes
Serving1 Drink


  • 1 large green apple, cored and chopped
  • 1/2 cup of plain yogurt (or any non-dairy alternative)
  • 1/4 cup of ice cubes
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (or any sweetener of your choice)

Dutch Bros Green Apple Smoothie: Instructions

1. Add the ice, yogurt, green apple, and honey into the blender and turn the blender on.


Firstly finely chop the apple then add it to the blender.

2. Final slushy drink is ready, pour it into the glass.

Additional Point

You can add some green apple shavings over the top of the drink to create a crunchy sip.

Nutritional Facts:

Serving Size1 drink (16 oz)
Sugar36 g
Sodium60 g
Fat2 g
Saturated Fat1 g
Carbohydrates44 g
Fiber5 g
Protein5 g
Cholesterol5 mg

Dutch Bros all drinks are super tasty, but you should try some special drinks at home such as Dutch Frost, Grasshopper, and Dutch Bros Gummy Bear.

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Dutch Bros Green Apple Smoothie Recipe
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