Tigers Blood Dutch Bros Recipe: A Fruity and Sour Drink

Have you ever tried Candy? If Yes, then you will love its flavor,…Right? By keeping this though in mind Dutch Bros have a drink named Tiger Blood on their menu.

Plus Point

This drink is a perfect combination of sweet, tangy, and sour flavors, with a fine touch of candy flavor.

This drink is unique because it’s each ingredient takes part in flavor enhancement, like lime and strawberry juice add citrus, tangy, and zesty flavor, on the other side the coconut syrup gives an adventurous flavor to the drink.

This drink is just awesome, I think you should make this at home, for this follow the below-mentioned easy and quick recipe.

Recipe Detail:

Author NameCrazyEspresso.com
Preparation Time6 Minutes
Cook Time0 Minute
Total Time6 Minutes
Serving1 Drink


  • 1 cup of ice
  • 1/4 cup of strawberry puree
  • 1/4 cup of lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut syrup

Tigers Blood Dutch Bros: Instructions

  1. In your blender’s jug add all ingredients like lime juice, ice, coconut syrup, and strawberry puree in it.
  2. Turn the blender on, and create a smooth slushy drink, after that pour it into your favorite glass.
  3. Your Tiger’s blood drink is ready, Enjoy!

Nutritional Facts:

Serving Size1 Drink
Sugar32 g
Sodium10 g
Fat0 g
Saturated Fat0 g
Carbohydrates36 g
Fiber2 g
Protein1 g
Cholesterol0 mg

You should also have some other delicious drinks like Salted Caramel Breve Dutch Bros, Snickerdoodle Dutch Bros, and Sugar-Free Cocomo Dutch Bros at home, if you need recipes then you can follow mine.

How to Make Tigers Blood Dutch Bros
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