Dutch Bros Cup Sizes: How to Choose the Perfect One

The perfect serving size of every food item is essential, if we want to make our life journey healthy. An increase or decrease in serving size means the calorie count will also be affected greatly. As the serving size is very important for every food item means, it’s also necessary to keep this in mind while ordering coffee, lemonade, rebel, or any sort of drink.

As the needs of drinks vary at different times, means we consume more if we are thirsty and we consume less if we just want to give a touch to our cravings. Dutch Bros assist their customers in overcoming this problem while providing different cup and glass sizes so that the customer can choose according to their requirements.

Without exaggerating the extra things let’s directly talk about the available cup sizes at Dutch Bros.

Do You Know
Do You Know

A person should always choose a serving size that can’t manipulate their per-day calorie intake. The calorie intake is different for males and females per day:
Male: 2500
Female: 2000

Why it is Important to Choose an Exact Cup Size For You?

There are various benefits to choosing an exact size of the cup for you like:

Portion Control

If we use the appropriate size of the cup it means we are controlling our portion, which means we will consume a fine required amount of drink or coffee, it will prevent you from overthinking about your under or over-drinking.


There must be different glass sizes for adults and kids, as a child can not hold a large size cup as an adult can, so the right size of the cup gives you the benefit of easy handling.

Best Point

The right size of the cup also provides safety from any spill, as you give the right size to your kid that fits his hand accurately, so there is a very minimum chance of spillage.


An appropriate size of cup is very necessary to maintain the desired temperature of the drink. For instance, if you want a cup that helps your hot drink to retain its temperature for a little longer then prefer a short serving size, on the other side go for the large size for cold drinks, as their large size provides an extra surface for ice.


You are fascinated by this that how could a cup’s size can impact the taste but it really does, as you can consider an example of a wide opening glass filled with wine, this enhances the interaction between oxygen and wine that eventually enhance the aroma and flavor.


Large glass has wider openings than smaller glass.


The exact size of the cup is also very necessary to make your drink more presentable, such as if your glass is larger but your drink quantity is less, which means the top of the glass remains empty which ultimately leads to bad presentation.

This means a good fit space for a drink is necessary to make it attractive, this thing gives me recall of famous quote which is:

Quote: A person always looks beautiful in a good-fit dress, because it raises his confidence

Available Cup Sizes at Dutch Bros

Dutch Bros provides services to their customers that are indeed unbeatable, which means from their serving style to their quality products everything is superb.

Fun Fact

The legendary point of Dutch bros is that they always welcome you with a smile on their faces, and do not allow you to get bored while waiting for your order, their friendly environment makes every person comfortable.

Dutch Bros provide different cup sizes for their customer’s assistance which are:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Kids
  • Reusable

Let’s check them all one by one in detail.

All Dutch Bros Cup Sizes, Small, Medium, Large & Kids

Small Cups – 354ml

This cup size is a convenient choice, it can hold 12 ounces of drink for you. These cups are mainly made up of paper, on which a logo of Dutch Bros is posted.

Plus Point

These small cups are available in different colors and designs that vary from season to season or on some special occasions.

This short 12 ounces cup is only suitable for hot drinks and gives you a quick way to enjoy your coffee, espresso, or other drinks. You can have different drinks in your 12 ounces glass such as Dutch Bros Rebel, teas, blends, and many other classic drinks.


Iced drinks in small sizes are served in 16 ounces cups where the extra 2 ounces are used for ice, but the actual amount of drink is still 12 ounces.

InformationSmall Size Cup
Capacity12 ounces for hot drinks, 16 ounces for cold or blended drinks
Espresso Shot2 shots
PriceAround $3 for hot drinks, around $3.50 for cold or blended drinks
CalorieVary depending on the drink ordered, e.g. 220 calories for a small Mocha, 340 calories for a small Caramelizer.


  • We can use coffee in a small cup many times per day.
  • It is helpful to point out that Dutch bros offer a kid’s size drink that is smaller than the smaller.
  • The small size is perfect for those who want a strong, bold cup of coffee.


  • If a person is a coffee lover and we are giving him a small cup of coffee so it will be not helpful for their mind’s satisfaction.
  • A small cup is not the perfect size for those who are fond of coffee or tea.

My Perception: In my opinion, I would suggest that the small cup is the best choice for every single person according to a health perspective. In this way, you can enjoy the drink with minimum calorie, sugar, carb, and fat consumption which means a healthy treat….. Yoohoo.

Bean Roasting

Medium Cups – 473ml

A medium size cup is a great option for those who want a little more drink to enjoy, as it can hold 16 ounces of drink for you. When we talk about 16 ounces means it is only applicable for hot drinks not for cold.

Fun Fact

The medium size cup for cold drinks is available at Dutch Bros with 24 ounces of holding capacity…..very huge right?

You can have creamy, classy, plain Americano, lemonade, Annihilator, and many other drinks either as hot or as cold. This cup will give you a generous amount of your desired drink, so now you can enjoy a cup of your favorite drink during your whole way to the office lolll.

Important to Know

A medium cup used for a hot drink is usually made up of paper instead a cup used for cold drinks is made up of plastic, which gives an icy look from the outside…….very pleasing to the eyes.

InformationMedium Size Cup
Capacity16 ounces for hot drinks, 24 ounces for cold or blended drinks
Espresso Shot2 shots
PriceAround $3 for hot drinks, around $3.50 for cold or blended drinks
CalorieVary depending on the drink ordered, e.g. 280 calories for a medium Mocha, 460 calories for a medium Caramelizer.


  • You can have more drinks in an affordable range.
  • Without considering larger cup size allow you to have more coffee or drinks.
  • You can enjoy your coffee or drink for a little longer time.


There is no such disadvantage only the bit high calories, everything else is quite fine, in fact, people mostly order this size for their drinks. In other words, we can say that people consider this cup size as a standard size or an ideal size for their drink.

This fact is based on entirely my observation may be your experience might differ.

My Perception

I am still on my point that the small cup sizes are the best, but it doesn’t means that I am against the medium size. No doubt, the calories get increase, but occasionally this cup is no less than a blessing. For those who want their drink huge so they can enjoy and savor each sip of the drink, these factors prove the medium size is fantastic.

Bean Roasting

Large Cups – 591ml

Dutch Bros Large cup size has a huge capacity of approx 24 ounces for hot drinks such as tea, coffee (desired flavor), soda, and many other drinks.

Plus Point: The lid of this cup is very tight means there is no chance of hand burn due to a spill of hot coffee.

These cups are made of plastic so they can reuse, this factor ensures the high quality of these cups which ultimately makes this cup durable.

Plus Point

As this cup can be reused means a way to reduce environmental pollution caused by disposable paper cups.

The large-size cups are available in different designs and colors such as green, purple, pink, and many other bright colors. These kinds of colors make the cup stylish and attractive. Some people mostly order large cups because getting influenced by their design or to share the cup pics with friends.

These cups can also be customized with your desired design or logo means you can use them as a gift for your friend or a thank you to your boss, or a memorable statement to your employer.

Do You Know
Do You Know

Because of their attractive design, these are very popular and used for some special or corporate. 

The large cup size of 24 ounces is used for hot drinks but for cold drinks as for sure more space is required for ice so the cup has a tremendous capacity of up to 32 ounces. As the cup size is very huge means it can give you a chance to add more espresso shots to it and have a strong caffeine drink.


It has the capacity to hold 4 espresso shots which is double those two shots added in the venti cup at Starbucks.

InformationLarge Size Cup
Capacity24 ounces for hot drinks, 32 ounces for cold or blended drinks
Espresso Shot4 shots
PriceAround $3.50 for hot drinks, around $4.00 for cold or blended drinks1
CalorieVary depending on the drink ordered, e.g. 440 calories for a large Mocha, 680 calories for a large Caramelizer.


  • We can share our large cups of coffee with others like our friends and our family members.
  • A large cup of coffee is very helpful to get a lot of energy.
  • Also helpful if we feel weak.
  • This size is perfect for those who just really love their coffee.
  • The large size is perfect for those who want a more smooth, mellow cup of coffee.
Best Point

You can save money because the cups are reusable, so you can get some discount for the next time when you carry your cup with you.


  • The large size of the drink means the chance of wastage increases.
  • A large cup is also full of calories and sugar which may cause diabetes.
  • When we are taking anything out of need it will be dangerous to our health.
  • If we are using a large cup of tea, it is absolutely dangerous to our stomach and causes heartburn.

My Perception: For me, there is a “Big No” for large cup sizes not only for Dutch Bros instead for other restaurants as well. Consumption of this much sugar, carbs, and caffeine cause-disturbance to our body system. This leads to some serious consequences like diabetes, blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, dehydration, and many others. As you can see all of the consequences are quite dangerous, but if you have a friend with which you can share your drink then a large cup is perfectly fine……. instead a Jackpot.

Bean Roasting

Kid Cups

We normally go with our family, so it doesn’t make sense that we will not take our kids with us. As Dutch Bros provide Kid Section in their menu same as they have special cup sizes for the kids which is designed according to the kid’s perspectives. 

Dutch bros offer different healthy drinks for kids which are high in milk, low in sugar and calories, and serve in 8 ounce of cups.


Kid’s drinks are available both as hot and cold, so ask your kids first about their preferences and then select one for them.

These kids’ cups are so smaller even than the adult’s small size cups means your kid is consuming something in a healthy amount, the best point is you have to pay half for the small drink.

Do You Know: There is a healthy caloric consumption for kids such as:

4-8 Year Female = 1200 per day

4-8 Year Male = 1400 per day

Moreover, the kid’s cups are so colorful and stylish to indulge kids’ attention towards the cup. Also, the cup lid is fully tight means there is no chance of any spill means now parents can enjoy their drink without worrying about the kids.

Plus Point

The cups are not only designed from the outside instead to make kids super happy, dutch bros staff hide a special toy for them. In other words, it is a way of advertising as kids become happy by getting toys and love to visit the place for sake of the toy…….. The last fact is based on my observation, so don’t get judgy.

Capacity8-10 oz
EspressoNot Applicable
PriceApprox $2.25 for cold or blended drinks, around $1.50 for hot drinks

Advantages & Disadvantages

I don’t think so there would be any disadvantage to the kid’s cup size, and the all factor listed above is no doubt the advantages. The best-memorizing point is you have a chance to buy a healthier drink for your kid.

Reusable Cups

Dutch Bros also provide some reusable cups to overcome the environmental pollution which is due to disposable cups.


Do not dispose of any cup near a beachy area, river, or lake because this sort of paper material floats over the water and blocks the sun’s rays to enter the water, also enough oxygen can’t dissolve into the oxygen. In this way, aquatic life suffers greatly.

Reusable tumblers, cups, bottles, and mugs are available at Dutch, these all are durable because they are made of high-quality plastic, ceramic, or stainless steel.

Fun Fact: Reusable cups are available with savage slogans, fun patterns, bright color designs, or simply with a Dutch Bros Logo. 

You can either purchase these reusable cups online through a website or app otherwise buy them directly from the store. After each use wash them with warm water and soap, for deep cleaning use a little bit of vinegar also.

Best Point

You will get a discount of $0.25 if you get your mug yourself.

Reusable CupsDescriptionCapacityPrice
Windmill Canteen – Dark CamoA dark camo design, stainless steel canteen with a windmill logo.20 ounces$28.95
Dutch Flow Insulated Bottle – BlackBlack color stainless steel bottle with a Dutch Bros logo.20 ounces$23.95
Dutch Flow Insulated Bottle – ArizonaAn Arizona state flag design, stainless steel bottle with a Dutch Bros logo.20 ounces$23.95
Dutch Bros Flight – FloralDifferent floral designs mugA set of four 4 oz ceramic$17.95
Dutch Stainless Steel Tumbler – WavesWave pattern, stainless steel tumbler with a Dutch Bros logo.20 ounces$24.95


  • You can save money if you take your cup with you.
  • You put your part in making the environment safe.
  • Reusable cups improve sustainability.
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Frequently Asked Question

Can I Ask for a Different Cup Size Than the Ones Offered at Dutch Bros?

No, as dutch bros only offer small, medium, large, and kids reusable cups, which means other than these you can order any other.

How Do You Know Which Cup Size is Right for You at Dutch Bros?

It’s up to you to decide the right, appropriate, and exact cup size which corresponds to your need, calorie intake, and all other requirements. If you don’t know how much you want then take help from a barista to tell him about your present mental condition and craving he will definitely help you out.

Bean Roasting


It’s now very finely clear that the right cup means everything, you should always check on your consumption amounts. As your food will decide your health, so don’t put your health at stake as there is nothing in the world that replaces your health, so keep enjoying a healthier option.

If you are a person who is very actively participating in the kitchen then you can try some recipes, if you don’t have any idea then you can get help from my blog on recipes of Golden Eagle, Rebel, Annihilators, and many others do check them……BY.

If you find this post helpful and want to see this in the future, Then save this pin in your Pinterest “Dutch Bros Drinks” board. So that you can easily get help later.

Dutch Bros Cup Size With their Volume
Dutch Bros Cup Sizes How to Choose the Perfect cup
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