Espresso Vs Coffee: Exploring the Differences, Benefits & Caffeine Content

Espresso and coffee both are very beloved beverages by people, even in the United State, the per day sale of their coffee cups are more than four hundred million. But the coffee consumption rate is 7 times higher among people of New York because there is a coffee shop or store on every corner of their streets.

Some of us think that it’s the best choice to take espresso because it’s a short way to get more caffeine, but some do not like this kind of caffeine intake at all.

They prefer to grab coffee with milk and different flavors. But ….wait… we can also add flavors in espresso, so if both have caffeine, coffee beans, and flavors then what’s the difference between them. Let’s do have a look together at their distinguishing points.

History Behind the Origin of Coffee

The story starts with a khaldi a goat herder, who took his goats for grazing, after some time he noticed his goats start behaving very oddly. He assumed it was because of the beans they were eating.

He took those beans towards the chaplain, but the chaplain get mad at him and declare those beans as temptation induced by evil. In furry chaplain threw those beans in the fire, but suddenly very adorable smell was produced.

We can say that those were the first roasted coffee beans. After this coffee beans got famous among people and start to import into the various part of the world. Coffee named is based on the region of its discovery, as it was first located in the Kaffa zone so people of dutch started calling it “koffie” which turn into coffee by the end of the 1500s.

Who Named the Espresso?

The espresso word is given to a drink on the base of a machine designed by Luigi Bezzara. He observed that coffee bean blending consumes a lot of time to save it he invented the machine that makes it super fast. Because espresso somehow stands for the word “Fast”.

Basically, Espresso is an Italian word that is taken from the Latin word “exprimere” in which ex stands for “out” and premiere means “to press”.

Dissimilarities Among Coffee And Espresso

Coffee and espresso are actually the same things, but some points make them different from each other all of the points are discussed below briefly.

Basic Concept

It is Originated in the 16th Century AD.It is originated in the 9th century AD.
Espresso is a short black thicker version of coffee without any addition of Diary.Roasted brown dark thinner coffee beans are served with dairy.
Crema is used.Crema does not use in it.
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You can have your coffee with so many dairy products like it may be raw milk, whole milk, oat milk, coconut milk, and almond milk.

Coffee Cup Size Vs Espresso

Coffee Cup Size Vs Espresso

Typically the average size that we mostly use as casual for our coffees is equal to eight ounces. An espresso cup of one serving equals one ounce, which means a coffee cup holds seven times more drinks than an espresso.

Moreover coffee is available in different sizes it may be small, medium, or large, But the Starbucks cup sizes are a bit different from others it includes short, tall, Grande, or venti. Espresso is available in different serving sizes you can have it as, solo, Doppio, triple, and quad.

Coffee Beans Vs Espresso Beans

We all know that both Espresso and Coffee are initially made of naturally occurring coffee beans. So there are no limited or restricted beans for either of them because the only difference is the roasting style of the beans. The most preferred beans are Arabic and Robusta.

Difference In Taste

It has a very strong, bold taste.It doesn’t have a bold taste even the strongest produced by caffeine is quite unnoticed.
Roasted Arabic beans are used in the formation.Different types of roasted beans are used.
Intense in taste.Sweetly balanced flavor instead of intense.
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If you are a usual user of darkly browned beans that produced a bold taste then go for Espresso instead if you like to have some lighter options then choose coffee.

Texture Of Coffee Vs Expresso

Coffee is thinner, lighter, and has low concentration because water pours into the cup by passing through the filter paper. On the next side, the espresso is thicker, bold, stronger, and highly concentrated.

Coffee Odour Vs Espresso

The coffee smell is some kind of fruity and it also depends upon the flavor syrup that was added to it, but coffee mostly smells like fresh fruits or nuts. It also has a little sweet odor of caramel and sometimes vanilla.

On the other hand, espresso has a smell that is somehow like roasted walnuts or almonds.


It’s a myth that espresso smell is like a burnt seed. If your espresso gives a burnt odor it means you don’t know how to prepare it, because only a slow flow of water leads to a burnt smell.

Roasting Style

The beans are darkly roasted at extremely high pressure and temperature.The beans are roasted but in a lighter range instead of dark.
All the oil of the beans is extracted out due to high roasting.Not that much oil extract because of lighter roasting.
Intense taste induced.As the beans are not fully roasted so the fruity taste is still in it and makes the coffee fabulous.

Oil will be extracted only in the case of darkly roasted beans because fresh beans do not contain huge oil content. The oil concentration of beans is varied like the Arabica fresh green coffee beans hold 15% content of lipid content.

Grinding Method

The beans should be finely and carefully ground.Beans for coffee should be ground to the medium size range.
If it’s not properly done will affect the whole taste.Its time taking and taste-making deal.
Avoid taking beans that are too grounded because it leads to a bitter taste.Fine and medium grounded beans are used for this, but medium-sized are preferred.

If you want to make an Espresso at home then buy espresso teabags from nearby stores. Because it’s not possible to ground beans for espresso in a regular home blender. But for coffee, you can grind your beans in your blender.


For espresso bean grinding, you can buy Baratza Virtuose, which makes this task easy for you.

Brewing Style

It is the main reason that separates coffee from Espresso.

It is brewed at high temperate and high pressure, pouring boiling water into the finely grounded coffee beans.Brewed at low pressure, at which water is poured by gravity passing through a filter paper on medium-grounded beans.
An espresso machine is necessary because hand pumping will not produce a pressure of 4 bar as the machine can.Different methods along different machines can use.
A semiautomatic Espresso machine or a manual Espresso Machine can be best for espresso brewing.A percolator or Automatic brewing machine would be best for coffee brewing.
It takes twenty to thirty seconds for completely brewed.It takes six to twelve minutes for brewing.

Brewing in time is compulsory for Espresso because delaying can reduce pressure and lead to a bitter taste.

Caffeine Content

We can not say that either of them contains higher caffeine content as an espresso shot is equal to 1 ounce and have 75-77mg of caffeine. Coffee has also 95-120mg of caffeine per 8 ounces.

The amount of caffeine varies in coffee by roasting and brewing style. Cold coffee is still stronger than hot as some bean’s chocolate powder increases the content of caffeine.

Also if we increase the number of shots in Espresso then caffeine content also increases. So it is clear that the amount of caffeine entirely depends upon the ingredients, and serving size of the drink.

Antioxidants Differences

Different sorts of antioxidants are naturally present in coffee beans like caffeic acid, ferulic acid, n-coumaric acid, flavonoids, and polyphenols. So as we already discussed that espresso and coffee used the same beans which means both have the same antioxidants.

But in actuality, it’s not the same, in both because the brewing, roasting, and grinding methods affect the activity of these antioxidants. In coffee filter paper seep oils, and also some concentrate instead espresso have all the concentrates in it. It means a number of antioxidants including calcium levels are high in expresso as comparable to coffee.

Differences Regard to Health Consequences

In coffee beans many essential oxidants (flavonoids), minerals (calcium), and vitamins (Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B3) ) are present. All these substances play important role in boosting the metabolism rate. So if a person takes a cup of coffee on daily basis their metabolism gets fast, also blood circulation due to its works as a savior from cardiac diseases.

It also burns the unnecessary fat stored in the body, unhealthy fat also leads to a high level of cholesterol.  But the roasting style affects these bioactive elements in the coffee beans, as coffee beans have higher bioactive elements because they are lightly roasted and espresso has less bioactive elements because it is darkly roasted.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which One is More Stronger Coffee or Blonde Espresso?

In Blonde espresso, the beans are roasted but to a lighter extent as compared to normal espresso in which the beans are darkly roasted. Blonde espresso has the same thicker, stronger viscosity as the normal espresso shot hold. Also, blonde espresso has a high caffeine content so it’s definitely stronger than both coffee and normal espresso.

Does Espresso have Hazardous Effects?

Espresso is served by brewing the normal grounded coffee beans, there is no specific espresso plant from where the beans are extracted. And we all know that coffee beans contain many beneficial elements along with antioxidants, niacin, which improve our body’s functioning. There is no evidence till now, which proof that espresso has some hazardous effects. Only the factor is espresso has strong caffeine, so if your body reacts to caffeine very oddly then simply avoid Espresso.

Can We Call the Espresso a Coffee?

Yes, we can say that espresso is a type of coffee because the only method is different. So in this way, espresso has a different texture, calories, serving sizes, and caffeine still it is a type of coffee that is nicely brewed by pouring very hot water.

Bean Roasting


Espresso and coffee are fabulous in their taste, neither of them has a greater beneficial point than the other one. Both of them have their unique flavors, and good caffeine content but the method is entirely different. Let do not notice the differences between them and enjoy the drink which we want the most. Wait why do we have to distinguish between them and decide which is the better just try both of them both have amazing taste and facts.

If you find this post helpful and want to see this in the future, Then save this pin in your Pinterest “Coffee Guide” board. So that you can easily get help later.

Coffee vs Espresso: Exploring the Differences, Benefits and Caffeine Content
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