The Secret of Syrup Flavors at Dutch Bros Revealed

From childhood, we have set our likes and dislikes not just in our sports, and careers but also in our food or drink items. Some of us like chocolate while others hate chocolates, some like sweet flavors along nutty caramel touch in contrast others like to go for a tangy or zesty taste.

It means everyone has their own preferences regarding drinks, coffees, lemonades, and energy drinks. For this basic reason a single flavored drink can’t serve to everyone that’s why Dutch Bros use different flavored syrups to serve their customers with all they demand.

Let’s get a short tour of each syrup served at Dutch Bros.

Do You Know
Do You Know

There are various best-quality brands like Torani, Amoretti, and Monin that introduce themselves as best-quality syrup seller in the market, but Dutch Bros use Torani Syrups for their drinks.

Why Dutch Bros Use Torani Syrups?

Dutch Bros is a name of quality that’s why it prefers to choose a Torani brand that does not compromise in terms of quality.

Important to Know

Torani Brand was established in 1925 with the aim to produce the best quality products.

Torani is a big name because it tries to make sure every flavor is very original, for this they prefer to use the original ingredients in their best state to extract the flavor. As their process of syrup formation is unique that’s why it’s difficult to make a copycat of them.

Fun Fact: A signature drink is always made with an ingredient that gets never copied.

What Makes Torani So Special?

The ingredients used in the formation of the syrups make the Torani brand trustworthy and so special, as it is mainly made of simple items such as:

  • Sodium benzoate
  • Pure cane sugar
  • Potassium sorbate
  • Natural flavors
  • Citric acid
  • Water
Important to Know

Dutch Bros use more than 25 different syrups, and you can get all these Torani syrups from any nearby grocery stores, online from amazon, or even at the store at some gas/petrol station.

Syrup Flavors Available at Dutch Bros

Syrup Flavors Available at Dutch Bros

Dutch Bros use different syrups that basically give the drink a signature one that can not be replaced by any other. It means the syrups actually play a special role in making drinks super tasty and delicious.

If you are thinking that whether you find your favorite flavored syrup at Dutch Bros or not, let me help you to choose one for you.

Disclaimer: Dutch Bros only use Syrups to make their drinks tasty and flavorful, they do not sell this product, so you can’t demand them to serve a bottle of caramel or any other syrup…….. be careful…..ok!

There are some popular syrups that are loved so much by people because of their unique flavorful taste.

  • Caramel
  • Vanilla
  • White Chocolate
  • Irish Cream
  • Hazelnut

These syrups are popular because they are not only used individually to give their original taste to the drink but also can be used with other flavors to enhance the taste of the drink to the next level……… other words……. versatility Bro!

Caramel Syrup – With Sugar

It is a sweet, rich, classic, and enhancing flavor used widely in many drinks at Dutch bros especially Caramel Macchiato, Caramel Lattes, teas, chocolate coffee, and many others.

Suggestion: As caramel syrup is made up of sugars it is sticky and can settle down in your drink. If you don’t stir your drink properly with a straw or spoon before a sip you can’t enjoy the exact taste of caramel.

Nutritional Fact

Serving Size1 pump
My Perception

No doubt, this syrup is amazing for drinks but if you are a person with a sweet tooth, a lactose intolerant, or a diet conscious, then, in my opinion, you should avoid this syrup. If you are none of the above forget the worries and enjoy.

Caramel Syrup – Sugar-Free

The sugar-free version of caramel syrup is also very satisfying regarding its taste and the plus point it’s super healthy.

My Perception

If you want to compare the sugar-free version with the regular caramel syrups, then I can’t give you a satisfying answer because it’s based on personal preferences. As it might be possible that an I like a thing you dislike. But I can share some customer reviews some like it more than regular caramel syrup, but other finds its texture and taste not satisfying, for me it’s a Big Yes for a sugar-free version.

Nutritional Fact

Serving Size1 pump

I think after having a look at the nutritional fact you are also on my side.

Vanilla Syrup – With Sugar

This flavor is best among all used at Dutch bros because of its versatility as this is being used widely in most of the drinks as a compliment. It’s a smooth, fine, and sweet flavor even you can feel its charms in every sip.

You can ask Barista to add Vanilla Syrup to your drinks like in latte (vanilla latte), chai, Chocolate Mocha, energy drinks (Blue Rebel), and coffees.

Pro Tip
Pro Tip

Avoid adding too much Vanilla syrups in your drink as it makes your drink extra sweet, and too less amount of vanilla syrups leads to a bad and awful taste. For this always add in a moderate amount like 1-2 pumps.

Nutritional Facts

Serving Size2 tbsp / 30ml

If you have Vanilla Syrup then don’t store it in a place where direct sunlight approaches the bottle as it reduces its shelf life prefer a cool and dry place.

Vanilla Syrup – Sugar-Free

Its sugar-free version is similar in taste to regular Vanilla Syrup with healthy nutritional facts, which means without compromising health you can enjoy the same taste.

Note: Take care while adding vanilla syrup into the drink as it is sticky, if any spill cause means you have to struggle to take it off your clothes.

Serving Size2 tbsp / 30ml

My vote this time is also for the sugar-free version.

White Chocolate Syrup – With Sugar

This syrup has a sweet, creamy, toasty, flavor that enhances your drink taste.

Plus Point

Either you order a hot or cold drink this syrup gonna amaze the taste of the drink.

This syrup is used to make white chocolate breve, white chocolate cookies, white chocolate lattes, and so on.

Nutritional Facts

Serving Size2 tbsp / 30ml

White Chocolate Syrup – Sugar-Free

This syrup is also available in a sugar-free version with the same sweet and toasty taste means health and taste benefits are together.

Nutritional Fact

Serving Size2 tbsp / 30ml

If you want to consider its nutritional fact for 1 pump then the sugar version holds 20 calories and 5-gram carbohydrates, in contrast, the sugar-free version holds 0 calories and 0-gram carbohydrates.

Irish Cream – With Sugar

With no alcohol, this syrup is a combination of strong aroma, smooth, creamy, vanilla, and classic coffee flavors…….a big package of flavors.

It has almost all sugary ingredients so try to consume it in a moderate amount to overcome any bad consequences.

Pro Tip
Pro Tip

If you are making your drink at home with Irish cream, then do not add too much at once, because of its slightly sweet taste you get definitely confused about the addition. For this add two spoons in 16 ounces of glass then stir it, and taste, if it sounds good, then ok otherwise add a little more.

Nutritional Facts

The below nutritional facts are listed for 1 fl oz, which means if you consider more than this limit these facts get double.

Serving Size2 tbsp / 30ml
My Perception

I just love Irish cream syrup because of its classic coffee flavor, but beyond my love I always prefer to add 1 tbsp to my drinks to cut down the calories to half, awesome way is to enjoy it, don’t avoid it,  just limit its usage.

Irish Cream – Sugar-Free

Torani gives huge preference to sugar-free syrups as they have made Irish Cream syrups as others in their sugar-free version. It means everyone can enjoy the same Irish slight sweet and creamy flavor without extra calorie intake.

The sugar-free Irish cream syrup is widely used in drinks like 9-1-1, and Annihilator

Fun Fact: On its bottle, it is mentioned that it can use as the perfect flavor for hot, cold, and milkshake drinks as well.

Nutritional Fact

The below nutritional facts are listed for 1 fl oz, but if you add more than this the only carbohydrate value will change from 1 gram to 2 g all the other factors remain the same.

Serving Size2 tbsp / 30ml

Irish cream syrups are widely used in both hot and cold drinks, but the requirement of their addition is a bit high in cold drinks as comparable hot drinks.

Hazelnut Syrup – With Sugar

This syrup holds a balanced sweet and nutty flavor with a touch of vanilla, chocolate, and caramel. Hazelnut flavor can be used in coffee, tea (hazelnut chai), lattes, and hazelnut Mocha. 

Pro Tip: You can use it as a refreshing twist on your classic drinks.

If you want to buy this for your home usage then this is also the best complement for your cake bakings, cookies, and other dessert options but always prefer to add in a moderate amount.

Nutritional Fact

Let’s check out its nutritional values for 1 fl oz.

Serving Size2 tbsp / 30ml

If your body shows any sort of allergy towards nutty products then simply avoid this flavoring syrup in your every food item.

Hazelnut Syrup – Sugar-Free

This syrup holds the same taste with zero calories, so you can now enjoy freely the taste of nuts, vanilla, and chocolate with a creamy texture.

Fun Fact: On it bottle, it is mentioned that these syrups are the perfect flavor combination for some drinks like Lattes, Iced Coffee, and hot cocoas.

Nutritional Facts

Serving Size2 tbsp / 30ml

If you want to buy hazelnut syrup for your home, but a little difficult to find a difference between the regular and sugar-free versions. No doubt this is clearly listed on the bottle but one more tip is that the sugar-free bottle has blue sealing while the regular has golden sealing.

Bean Roasting

Seasonal Flavors At Dutch Bros

Seasonal Flavors At Dutch Bros

Dutch Bros provide some flavors that are not present all around the year, that’s why you can order them at a specific time of the year. Dutch Bros all flavors are super tasty but their seasonal syrup has no match, Let’s discuss them briefly.

  • Pumpkin Spice
  • Peppermint
  • Eggnog

Pumpkin Spice Syrup – With Sugar

If you want a drink with a slightly sweet taste that gives you a mouthful cozy and warm flavor then go for pumpkin spice flavor. These flavors are also complemented by the touch of vanilla, chocolate, and caramel.

In other words, pumpkin spice syrup adds a touch of autumn to your drink. 

Important to Know

Pumpkin spice is actually a blended mixture of ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg.

This syrup is best for some drinks like Pumpkin Snickerdoodle, Pumpkin Brulée Breve, and Pumpkin chai.

Fun Fact: Because the pumpkin spice taste like pumpkin pie, so many people in United State use it in the desert, cake making to celebrate Christmas or enjoy their festive moods, and to embrace the changing seasons.

Nutritional Facts

Let’s check out its nutritional values for 1 fl oz.

Serving Size2 tbsp / 30ml

As this syrup is best for frappes, lattes, and hot cocoas, so for these drinks lighter versions prefer to order them with oat or almond milk.

Peppermint Syrup – With Sugar

People love to have drinks made with Peppermint syrups to enjoy their holiday at Dutch Bros. As it’s the best choice if you want a cool and refreshing option, moreover you can have caramel, chocolate, and vanilla to complement it.

Note: It is a seasonal flavor normally available in winter.

This flavor gives a festive flavor to some drinks such as Candy Cane Mocha, Peppermint Bliss Brew Coffee, and Peppermint Hot Cocoa.

Fun Fact: On its bottle its mentions that it is the perfect flavor option for Mochas, Lattes, and Brewed Coffee.

Nutritional Facts

Let’s check out its nutritional values in 30 ml.

Serving Size2 tbsp / 1 fl oz

If you want to buy it for home usage then choose the gold-sealed bottle if you want regular peppermint syrups, for a sugar-free version buy the blue-sealed bottle.

Eggnog Syrup – With Sugar

It is also a seasonally available syrup and people mostly love to enjoy it on holidays because of its cozy and warm flavor. It has a balanced sweet, rich, and creamy taste.

Note: It can also complement with a touch of vanilla, caramel, and nutmeg.

This flavor is widely used in some drinks such as Caramel Eggnog, lattes, Cold brews, and chai.

Nutritional Fact

Let’s check out its nutritional values in 30 ml.

Serving Size1 fl oz
Important to Know

Eggnog is a mixture of cream, egg, sugar, milk, and spice, due to the addition of dairy it has a high-fat content, for example, 1 fl oz there is a 49% fat content.

Seasonal Flavor Syrups – Sugar-Free

As I have describes above the seasonal available regular syrups at Dutch Bros, all are also available in sugar-free versions by holding the same taste with unique health benefits.

SyrupsFlavorUsed in DrinksCarbsCalories
Pumpkin SpiceCozy and warmLatte, tea, and hot chocolate0g0
PeppermintCool and refreshingMocha, tea, and hot chocolate.0g0
EggnogCreamy and richLatte and Chai.0g0

All of these sugar-free versions are super healthy because 0 carbs mean you can use them while you are on your keto diet.

Unique Flavors

Other than the regular classic and seasonal flavors Dutch Bros also offers some unique flavors that you can’t find anywhere else.

  • Lavender
  • Coconut

Coconut Syrup

This flavor is available in regular and sugar-free versions, the only difference between them is calories. This Syrup gives you a tropical, sweet flavor with a creamy twist.

Suggestion: If you are a smoothie, coffee, or tea lover then try this flavor at least once.

Nutritional Fact:

Let’s check out its nutritional values in 30 ml.

Serving Size2 tbsp / 1 fl oz

This drink holds 0g carbs, 0g sugar, and 0 calories in its sugar-free version, both are awesome choice is yours.

Lavender Syrup

This flavor is unique because of its strong taste, it gives a sweet twist of floral flavor to the drink. This syrup goes very well with both hot and cold drinks, this flavor was used widely in traditional drinks.

Suggestion: Because of its strong infused taste, always use it in fewer amounts because it little amount is enough for a large size drink.

This syrup is widely used in different drinks such as cold brew, latte, and lemonades, as on its bottle it clearly mentions that it can also be the perfect flavor for a spritzer.

Suggestion: If want to get a soothing taste then prefer to use this flavoring syrup in a hot drink, in this way you can feel its relaxing aroma.

Nutritional Facts

Serving Size2 tbsp / 1 fl oz

These nutritional facts are listed for the 30 ml, if we consider the same amount for its sugar-free version then it holds zero carbs and zero calories…….indeed…..super healthy.

Bean Roasting

Other Flavors Available at Dutch Bros

Instead of all these, there are various other flavors that are widely beloved at Dutch Bros Such as:

  • Peach
  • Strawberry
  • Almond
  • Pomegranate
  • Raspberry
  • Orange
  • Watermelon
  • Salted Caramel
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Lime
  • Kiwi
  • Passion Fruit
  • Banana
  • English toffee
  • Cinnamon
  • Cherry
  • Blue Raspberry
  • Almond Roca
  • BlackBerry

All these Torani Flavor Syrups have a shelf life of two years, which means you can use them for a very long without worry.

Syrup Amount Used By Dutch Bros Per Drink

No doubt you can customize your syrup addition, but Dutch Bros has already standard recipes for each drink. So for most of the Dutch Bros drinks, they prefer to add 10 grams.

Note: 10 gram in each coffee and drink is not compulsory it vary from drink to drink.

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Frequently Asked Question

How Can You customize Your Drink with Syrups at Dutch Bros?

It’s very easy to customize your syrups some syrups like pumpkin is also complemented with a combination of other flavors such as caramel, vanilla, and chocolate. Moreover, you can also customize the sweetness level for this ask the barista level to add more pumps of syrup if you want extra sweet, and fewer pumps if you want moderate, and for sugar-free request the barista to add sugar-free syrups.

Can You purchase Dutch Bros Syrup Flavors to Use at Home?

No, you can’t order syrups at home, for this visit the amazon there you get every flavor syrup offered by Torani. Order any of the syrup and use them in your kitchen items and enjoy.

Bean Roasting


All the flavor syrups used at Dutch Bros are unique on their own, each of them has delicious flavor and texture that please and delight our taste buds to great extent. So don’t bother too much about the syrup select just choose any of them that sounds good to you and enjoy it till the last sip.

Moreover, if you want to read some drinks like Annihilator or Golden Eagle at Dutch Bros separately then you can get assistance from my post on it.

If you find this post helpful and want to see this in the future, Then save this pin in your Pinterest “Dutch Bros Recipe” board. So that you can easily get help later.

The Secret of Syrup Flavors at Dutch Bros Revealed
Divider Crazy Espresso