What Are Good Sweet Starbucks Drinks?

We really enjoy Starbucks drinks just like everyone else, but sometimes the drinks you want will make you so sugar-high that you can’t wake up. The Venti Frappuccinos, the Grande Caramel Macchiatos, and the Trenta Strawberry Acai Refreshers are what I’m taking about.

You can get these sweet Starbucks drinks if you want a drink that is full of sugar and will make you feel like you’re high on sugar.

Get ready for your blood sugar to go through the roof!

What You Need to Know About Extra Sugar

There’s nothing wrong with having a sweet Starbucks drink once in a while, but keep in mind that they do contain extra sugars, so try not to have them every day.

Added sugars are put into foods and drinks while they are being cooked or made. Lots of people get a lot of added carbs from drinks with added sugar, like sweet coffee drinks.

Some of the sweeteners used in these Starbucks drinks are added sugars, which are also known as honey, cane sugar, and brown sugar.

Studies have found a link between added sugars and bad health effects, such as a higher chance of cancer and more harmful visceral fat tissue, as well as other risk factors for chronic diseases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other health groups say that extra sugars should make up no more than 10% of your daily calories.

For instance, if you eat 2,000 calories a day, that’s no more than 200 calories or 50 grams of extra sugar. On a daily 1,500-calorie plan, try to eat no more than 150 calories or 38 grams of extra sugar.

Sweet Starbucks Drinks

Caramel Macchiato

Starbucks Caramel Macchiato

A Starbucks Caramel Macchiato is like a cup of heaven.

It has the right amount of sweetness and richness thanks to the strong espresso, newly steamed milk, lots of vanilla syrup, and a drizzle of caramel syrup on top.

Almost everyone likes it, even if they don’t like coffee. A Venti has 42 grams of sugar, so it will definitely give you a sugar high.

Starbucks Reserve Dark Chocolate Mocha

Starbucks Reserve Dark Chocolate Mocha

A sweet dark chocolate mocha doesn’t have any syrups or sweet flavorings. Instead, it has cocoa and ground chocolate.

The ground dark chocolate in a Dark Chocolate Mocha might be just the right amount of sweet if you find the regular Starbucks syrup too sweet.

White Chocolate Mocha Coffee

White Chocolate Mocha Coffee

A Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha is the perfect pick-me-up or reason to treat yourself.

You can make this rich and creamy coffee with espresso, fresh milk, and white chocolate syrup. It tastes and feels great.

The best thing about this coffee is that you can get it all year, so you can enjoy it any time of year.

Since the White Chocolate Mocha Coffee is so tasty, it’s a great drink for cold mornings or long afternoons. And yes, it does taste like chocolate, but it doesn’t make you feel like you’re drinking sugar.

Blonde Vanilla Latte

Blonde Vanilla Latte

Vanilla syrup brings out the rich flavors of a light-roast espresso in this standard latte.

It’s easy to add extra tastes like raspberry or caramel, but keep in mind that these will probably make your drink have more sugar, calories, and carbs.

Smoked Butterscotch Latte

Smoked Butterscotch Latte

Pumpkin Spice Latte, get out of the way. There’s a new drink in town that tastes like fall!

The Starbucks Smoked Butterscotch Latte is a rich and tasty coffee drink that is great for the fall and winter. Smoked butterscotch syrup, espresso, and milk are used to make this drink. It will warm you up on a cool fall day.

Even though the latte is very sweet, the “smokiness” of the smoked butterscotch syrup makes it less overwhelming and more enjoyable.

If you’re going to treat yourself, we suggest that you ask for whipped cream and maybe some caramel brûlée on top!

Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

This cinnamon-spiced iced espresso has less sugar than many of Starbucks’ other sweet coffees when you order it without any extra sugar.

Along with being sweeter than drinks made with their usual white-sugar syrup, the espresso is also different because it is made with brown sugar syrup. But remember that dark sugar is about the same nutritional value as white sugar.

Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Espresso, milk, cinnamon, and caramel are mixed together to make this tasty drink, which is poured over ice. The mix of sweet and spicy flavors is very strong and will make you feel refreshed and energized.

That being said, the hot version might be more well-known, but this iced version is great for a treat in the afternoon.


The Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte is very sweet, tasty, and refreshing, and it has a lot of caffeine in it. This is the drink for you if you want a tasty way to get your cup of coffee.

Just know that it’s hard to stop playing. You’ll be hooked as soon as you try it.

Starbucks Reserve Iced Hazelnut Bianco Latte

Starbucks Reserve Iced Hazelnut Bianco Latte

It is normal to add hazelnut flavorings to both roasted coffee beans and flavored coffees.

In this latte, the sweetness comes from milk that has been mixed with hazelnuts and praline and then poured over espresso and ice.

Mango Dragon Fruit Starbucks Refreshers

Mango Dragon Fruit Starbucks Refreshers

Do you often feel like you don’t have the energy to get through the rest of the day? If so, you’re probably used to that energy drop in the early afternoon.

You won’t have to drink another cup of coffee to feel better, thank goodness!

It’s fun and tasty to get your caffeine fix with the Mango Dragon Fruit Starbucks Refresher, and it tastes even better. This colorful drink is made with real fruit juice and dragon fruit bits. It’s perfect for drinking in the summer.

Kiwi Starfruit Starbucks Refresher

Kiwi Starfruit Starbucks Refresher

Though fruit juice is also the main ingredient and flavoring in the Kiwi Starfruit Refresher, it has more sugars added than the Iced Peach Green Tea.

Green coffee beans, which have not been roasted but are still very high in caffeine, are only used in Starbucks’ “Refreshers” line of drinks. What a fun fact!

Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew

Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew

The Nitro Cold Brew with sweet cream and vanilla is a great choice for people who are watching their weight because it’s not one of the sweetest drinks on this list.

It’s soft and great for getting you through the middle of the afternoon. Many of the drinks on this list taste heavy, but this one doesn’t. This is great if you want to taste your coffee.

There are only a few simple ingredients in this drink: cold brew that has been mixed with nitrogen to make it smooth and rich, and sweet cream cold foam that has been sweetened even more with vanilla. The result, on the other hand, is very rich, even though a Venti only has 70 calories.

Bean Roasting